Kerry Wood
Kerry Wood Benefit for the Wood Family Foundation
In the winter of 2014-2015, I contemplated ideas for my 2015 Event. I didn’t get far because it always came back to Kerry Wood. Kerry Wood was a big part of the history of our Cubs fandom. Back in 1998, we came up with the term “We Got Wood” and sold the T-shirts around Wrigley Field.
I always respected Kerry and Sarah Wood for sticking around and making Chicago their home. Kerry Wood is from Texas, so he could have packed up and headed back to Texas. Instead, they chose to make Chicago their home and started the Wood Family Foundation. They do more than hand out a check. They get involved in the community and make a difference. www.wffpitchin.org/program
This event will always be special to me. Kerry and Sarah were unbelievable. I could tell that Kerry really enjoyed the event. He was so gracious to the fans. What struck me about him was how engaging he was with the fans, asking them questions, and so forth. It quickly became apparent to me that Kerry Wood was an all-star off the field as well. I had more positive feedback from this event than any other. The reason for it was because of Kerry! I think of one word when I think of Kerry: ”genuine”. This guy is as real as it gets! You can tell that he feels blessed to have played a major part in Chicago Cubs history. The Chicago Cubs are very lucky to have a person like him represent the organization.
Special Thanks to Alex Scheidemantel and Mike Bruce. Your foundation is near and dear to my heart.
I’m pretty sure we will work together and “Pitch In” again in the future! Keep up the outstanding work!
Please make sure to support the Wood Family Foundation by participating in their events. Woody’s Winter Warm-Up, Battle of the Bats, and Storybook Gala to name a few! www.wffpitchin.org/events